Animate Portrait and Turn Photos into Videos

Photo Animer allows you to animate photos including portraits, figures, sketches, paintings, cartoons, and statues. Turn photo
into moving video and bring portrait to life.

Upload Image

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CTRL+V to paste image or URL

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vividit Free Animer App

Animate your family photos

Use automatic AI-powered photo enhancements to animate people in old photos creating a short video that looks like it was recorded while they posed and prepped for the portrait. Animate faces in family photos and experience your family history like never before! Create nostalgia videos with moving portraits by uploading photos of deceased loved ones and viewing them in the video.

Animate your family photos

Multiple actions and expression drivers

Uses pre-recorded driver videos of facial movements, you can choose the one that works best for the still photo. The driver guides the movements in the animation so you can see your ancestors smile, blink, and turn their heads.


Animate art with facial information

Every art with facial information, such as portraits, sketches, paintings, cartoons, animations, and statues, can be transformed into fascinating animations.

Animate art with facial information

Live Photos without iPhone/iPad

Bring still photos to life, even photos that cannot be taken with modern smartphones. The orientation of the characters in the photo is analyzed to determine the orientation of their heads and eyes, and then a matching driver video-a modern recording of facial movements, like posing for a photo-is selected to guide how the photo is animated.

Live Photos without iPhone/iPad

Auto sharpened and enhanced

Before animate picture, the photo will be sharpened and enhanced first, which can not only improve the quality of the final animation,

Auto sharpened and enhanced